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Master Gardener Judy Leon and Herbalist Colleen Zorbas will show you how and why to grow a medicinal garden with four seasonal workshops. The workshops will be located at Judy’s beautiful, Haven Hill Farm in Washington County. Each class will run approximately three hours.


A medicinal herb garden is defined as a garden planted with the goal of serving the needs of your general health and well-being.


You can grow wellness in whatever space you have! Herbs are beautiful and very useful in your landscape. Most herbs are not difficult to grow, and many produce lovely flowers and/or interesting foliage. Many herbs are also pest resistant and are fantastic companion plants to your vegetables.


In these series of workshops we will be going over the type of herbs to grow, and the medicinal properties of these herbs. We will be identifying the different stages of growth and how to recognize the plants. Each workshop will feature a farm and plant walk, and a preparation of an Earth medicinal. We hope you can join us for all four workshops

Plant a Medicinal Garden -Promo Code! type in: workshops/classes

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